Pointers in C++


This is a review of sorts, but I’m going to dig much deeper into memory specifics of the C family of languages. Thus I felt it was far more worthwhile to break it into it’s own group of projects.

For the most part, I’ll be sticking with Visual Studio, rather than the C++ shell for the code samples; we want to be looking at memory and Visual Studio has much better tools for that.

With that said, I forsee the majority of these projects being console applications. I want these to potentially be portable fairly easily to other compilers/OSes. Making them Windows applications will hamper that. I also will be avoiding using Allegro this time around as I want to keep us focused on memory and pointers.

Why are we looking at pointers?

If you come from other languages like C#, Java, Python, you really haven’t had to worry a lot about memory, from a truly lower level standpoint. However, with C++, you will be very interested in what’s happening with memory.

Why’s that? It’s pretty simple, actually:

C++ is horrifically bad at dealing with memory.


If you come from any of those other languages, you will, without a doubt, believe that what I’ve just written is the gospel. So why is that?

Let’s look at an incredibly simple C# example:

using System;

public class Program
    public class Shape
        public Shape()
            Console.WriteLine("  -> Shape Constructor");

            Console.WriteLine("  -> Shape Destructor");

        public void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine("  -> Shape Draw");

    public static void Main()
        Shape A = new Shape();

.Net Fiddle version

How much are we leaking there? If you said “none”, you’re correct. C# will automatically Garbage collect A when it’s no longer being used.

The same thing in C++?

// Example program
#include <stdio.h>

class Shape
        printf("  -> Shape Constructor\n");

        printf("  -> Shape Destructort\n");

    void Draw()
        printf("  -> Drawing a shape\n");

int main()
    Shape* A = new Shape();

C++ shell version of leaking candidate

How much are we leaking there? I’ll give it to you in a percentage: 100% leaky.

Yes, fixing that would be trivial; just add a delete A; before main finishes. But that’s no magic bullet. Let me show you something:

// Example program
#include <stdio.h>

class Shape
        printf("  -> Shape Constructor\n");

        printf("  -> Shape Destructort\n");

    void Draw()
        printf("  -> Drawing a shape\n");

int main()
    Shape* A = new Shape();
    Shape* B = A;

    delete A;


What happens there?

Drawing a shape - C++ shell


-> Shape Constructor
-> Drawing a shape
-> Drawing a shape
-> Shape Destructort
-> Drawing a shape

Looks good to me! Next!

Suddenly, a stranger appears next to you, eyeing your computer

“Whoa up there pardner! I think you’ve got some cattle rustler’s in your code there”

Startled, you sit upright in your chair. You could have sworn you locked the front door. Heart racing, you stammer a shocked response.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Why, I’m the Allocator Kidd. And I think your memory’s being rustled up but good! Do y’mind if’n I take the reigns there?”

He pulls off his leather cowboy gloves, revealing weathered, leathery hands, with millimeter thick callusses cover the tips of each finger, undoubtably from years of being a keyboard jockey in the wild west.

You stand up, tenatively offering your chair. With a sly grin he nods, taking a seat, roughly pulling the keyboard into his lap. With a side glance he looks at your lighted mouse and mutters to himself

“A mouse. How quaint

He writes two lines of code, smiles and becons you to look at what he’s written.

int main()
    Shape* A = new Shape();
    Shape* B = A;

    printf("How big is a Shape? %lu\n", sizeof(A));
    printf("Is that really how big a Shape is? %lu\n", sizeof(*A));

    delete A;
    // ...
-> Shape Constructor
How big is a Shape? 8
Is that really how big a Shape is? 1
-> Drawing a shape
-> Drawing a shape
-> Shape Destructort
-> Drawing a shape

“So, what do you think about them apples, Pardner?”

Looking at the code, you come to realize that asking for the sizeof(A) is really only asking for the size of the pointer for an instance of a Shape object. It makes sense for any pointer on a 64 bit system to be 8 (8*8 = 64 after all).

But why does the sizeof(*A) give you a result of 1?

Well, first off, remember that the use of the * symbole acts as a ‘de-reference’ operation. It essentially takes a pointer and returns the contents at that location, according to the type of the object it’s a pointer of. So it’s saying that the class Shape is only ... one byte big?

Is that the case? You motion to the Data Cowboy to vacate the chair so you can add the following to the code:

printf("How big is a Shape? %lu\n", sizeof(A));
printf("Is that really how big a Shape is? %lu\n", sizeof(*A));
printf("So what is the size of a Shape, really? %lu\n", sizeof(Shape));

And the results?

-> Shape Constructor
How big is a Shape? 8
Is that really how big a Shape is? 1
So what is the size of a Shape, really? 1
-> Drawing a shape
-> Drawing a shape
-> Shape Destructort
-> Drawing a shape

But that can’t be right! How can a class only be one byte big.

Our Digital Cowpoke sees the look of consternation on your face, motions to the keyboard and begins to type as you move to the side. He adds a bit of code to the bottom of the Shape class and and re-runs the code

// thar's code above here
    void Draw()
        printf("  -> Drawing a shape with text: [%s]\n", value);

    char value[256];

int main()
    Shape* A = new Shape();
    Shape* B = A;
    strcpy(A->value, "Here is some text");
    printf("How big is a Shape? %lu\n", sizeof(A));
    printf("Is that really how big a Shape is? %lu\n", sizeof(*A));
    printf("So what is the size of a Shape, really? %lu\n", sizeof(Shape));


    delete A;
    memset(A, 0, sizeof(Shape));  // Mimicing someone else re-using the memory that was just freed

-> Shape Constructor
How big is a Shape? 8
Is that really how big a Shape is? 256
So what is the size of a Shape, really? 256
-> Drawing a shape with text: [Here is some text]
-> Drawing a shape with text: [Here is some text]
-> Shape Destructort
-> Drawing a shape with text: []

Big Tex’s code:

The class had no data.


Now that it has data, we get a size that looks sane. But that doesn’t explain why sizeof gave us a value of 1 when there was no data present.

Hopalong Hacker can see where you’re going, as he’s been there before. He cracks open your browser and feverently types in a URL he’s had memorized long before you could hold a mouse.

In Memory of Bjarne

Why is the size of an empty class not zero?

To ensure that the addresses of two different objects will be different. For the same reason, new always returns pointers to distinct objects.

With that, the Marlborough Man-Of-Code tips his hat to you and disappears in a puff of AND-logic.

But there’s still something off with this code. Look at the results of calling the Draw method.

The problem is this: We don’t have a complex enough codebase.

Let’s talk about the logic of the codebase first:

  • We allocate instances of Shape called A and assign the pointer A to B.

    • This just dupicates the pointer; they just point to the same memory block.
  • We delete A

  • We then try to access B by calling the Draw method. And it works

It’ll work because we haven’t had the chance for another heap allocation to reclaim that block of memory. But here’s the kicker: Because we originally had a class with no data, IT WOULDN’T MATTER!

Wait ... why wouldn’t it matter? We deleted the instance of the object. If we somehow managed to reclaim that block of memory for something else ... wouldn’t that be an issue?

The answer is, how could it? Remember when we measured the size of the class, it was effectively zero? That’s because we only measure fields in a class when allocating memory. The previous example should have proven that to you, where we allocated a character array 256 bytes long and we ended up seeing that the size of Shape was, in fact, 256 bytes.

But that makes no senes! The code has to live with the object instance, right? We create an instance of an object and it creates an instance of the code and data. Right?

Let me ask you a question - does the code change between instances of the same class? I mean, the data does, totally. But does the code actually change?

No, it doesn’t.

And then, the answer is clear ... Data and Code do not live at the same spot in memory.

Here’s something to chew on: Anatomy of a program in memory

I really love that article. It’s one of the better written pieces on the layout of a program in memory. It doesn’t answer all the questions, but it’s a great start.

All your code lives in what’s called the “Text Segment” of your application’s process memory. The data for your class (everything that isn’t a function) lives on the Heap. So how does your class access that data? Well, the compiler understands that there is data associated with each class and injects into your code a this keyword whenever it accesses a class property.

Remember this bit of code?

void Draw()
    printf("  -> Drawing a shape with text: [%s]\n", value);

That’s in the Shape class. Well, the compiler is actually doing (no pun intended) this:

void Draw()
    printf("  -> Drawing a shape with text: [%s]\n", this->value);

Don’t believe me? Here you go

Are we to the point yet where you think memory handling in C++ is horrific yet?

OK, so it’s not actually horrific. You have a tremendous amount of control over memory in C++. But it’s not something trivial you can ignore. Understanding what’s going on with memory is incredibly important to writing good/fast/bugfree code.

More stuff to watch out for.

Oh, we are not done yet. Not by a long shot.

In the previous example, let me ask you a question:

“Who owns the instance of shape A?”

I mean, consider this, from the last example:

int main()
    Shape* A = new Shape();
    Shape* B = A;
    strcpy(A->value, "Here is some text");

What happens when we assign A to B? In languages like C#, what the ‘thing’ that A points to has an internal reference count and it increments that when the assignment happens. And that count gets decremented when A or B get set to null/set to something else/half a dozen other reasons.

But what about C++?

By default, C++ has no concept of ownership. Or reference counting. Unless you add it yourself. But I’m getting way, way ahead of myself. (To be fair, the newest C++ standards adds ‘smart pointers’ that do this and are considered part of “modern C++”. But that’s a topic for later.)

At this point, consider that you have to be dilligent of where/how you allocate/assign pointers.

Class layout in memory

What do we know about classes so far?

  • The logic (methods) for clases live in the ‘text’ memory block for a program.
  • Data (properties) for classes live either in the Heap or Stack space for a program.
  • Classes without any properties have zero byte sizes, but they actually report back a non-zero size (usually but not guaranteed to be 1) when you query their size.
  • Classes, via ‘hidden compiler magic’ have an additional this keyword, which maps to the address of the classes instance.

Here’s a great breakdown of the this keyword on cppreference.com

So, what happens when we start to consider polymorphism in C++? For example, going back to our Shape, Circle and Rectangle classes from Review05? Let’s bring them on over and try them out! I’ll be removing the Allegro references so that this is just a console application.

Now let’s see what we get when we start mucking around with our Shape class again. Currently our Shape class only has an integer in it, but the class is 4 bytes large. Let’s put it back having just a Point2D as it’s sole property:

class ShapeWithPoint

    void Draw();

    Point2D mCenter;

I’ll add some printf code back into main:

printf(“What’s the size of a ShapeWithPoint? %lun”, sizeof(ShapeWithPoint));

and our result:

What's the size of a ShapeWithPoint? 8

That makes sense, Point2D has two floats (4 bytes each).

Now, what happens if we make one of the classes virtual?

class ShapeWithVirtual
    virtual ~ShapeWithVirtual();

    void Draw();

    int value;

All we’re doing is making the destructor virtual. It allows derived classes to be delted by deleting a reference to the base class. We’ll talk a bit about that later. However, we’re talking about class sizes. So, what do we get now?

What's the size of a ShapeWithVirtual? 16

Wait wait wait. We didn’t add any new data to the class! why is it bigger? Why is it 8 bytes bigger? Let’s try something - in your code for both ShapeWithPoint and ShapeWithVirtual replace the Point2D mCenter; with a int value;.

The results are ...

What's the size of a ShapeWithPoint? 4
What's the size of a ShapeWithVirtual? 16
What you’re seeing is the effect of the V-Table in a class. Going by the ‘rule of “the ‘largest data type in the class’
alignment” we see that we are on 8 byte alignments. Play around with that a bit, if you want to be convinced. Or, if you want to be 100% sure, just use #pragma pack(1) like so:
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
class ShapeWithPoint

    void Draw();

    // Point2D mCenter;
    int value;

class ShapeWithVirtual
    virtual ~ShapeWithVirtual();

    void Draw();

    // Point2D mCenter;
    int value;
#pragma pack(pop)

And the output?

What's the size of a ShapeWithPoint? 4
What's the size of a ShapeWithVirtual? 12

So how does C++ implement polymorphism? Knowing what it is and knowing how it’s implemented are two very, very different things.

With our Shape, Circle and Rectangle classes, we’ve seen that we can keep track of a Shape pointer, but put a pointer to an instance of a Circle in there and we call the Draw method, it will resolve it to the correct object instance’s Draw call. You know, like we did in Review05:

VirtualShape** shapes = new VirtualShape*[10];

shapes[0] = new Circle(20.0f, 30.0f, 5.0f);
shapes[1] = new Circle(40.0f, 60.0f, 10.0f);
shapes[2] = new Circle(60.0f, 90.0f, 15.0f);
shapes[3] = new Circle(80.0f, 120.0f, 20.0f);
shapes[4] = new Circle(100.0f, 150.0f, 30.0f);
shapes[5] = new Rectangle(200.0f, 300.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f);
shapes[6] = new Rectangle(220.0f, 330.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
shapes[7] = new Rectangle(240.0f, 360.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f);
shapes[8] = new Rectangle(260.0f, 390.0f, 20.0f, 20.0f);
shapes[9] = new Rectangle(280.0f, 420.0f, 25.0f, 25.0f);

for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++)

That’s polymorphism. But how does it work, under the hood? Each compiler can do it a little differently, but it really comes down to a Virtual Table and a Virtual Table Pointer.

In each instance of a class, a Virtual Table Pointer (commonly refered to as a vptr) is created - it is a pointer to a table of virtual functions (again, commonly referred to as a vtable). vtable‘s usually contain the following:

  • Virtual function dispatch information.
  • Offsets to virtual base class subobjects
  • RTTI for the object (depending on compiler options).

What we end up getting, when you take a look at something like this:


Really ends up being more like this:


which is a pointer to a function. Not that vptr[n] is a slot in the vtable at the n‘th element.

Kind of like this:

So, what’s really going on with the compiler is that there is an added virtual function table pointer adding into the defintion of the class:


Which then links to the Virtual Function Table for each class, referring to the appropriate virtual function:


Hopefully the diagram helps - each class ends up with a virtual function table that then links to the appropriate virtual method.

Let’s do something a little different - let’s add a virtual function into the base and only override it in one of the classes:


Yes, it can get pretty complex, with vtables pointing across class methods, but that’s what inheretence means. And, following the object model, that can be pretty damn groovy.

But it comes with a cost. Let’s look at the disassembly difference between Shape (not Virtual) and Circle (virtual)


Creation of each object is the same, assembly wise. However invoking the Draw function on a virtual function incurs a different execution path. Specifically we get a call to the Shape::Draw method in the non virtualized Shape versus the call to an address in the virtualized version.

The cost here is two additional mov``s to call the virtual ``Draw method. Yeah, I know, that doesn’t sound like much - two additional assembly instructions. Big whoop.

Yet that can add up, being invoked several hundred or several thousand times per frame. Remember, a frame is 1/30th (or 1/60th, or 1/120th) of a second.

But that’s not really where our code can become slow. One thing C++ compilers do all the time is inline code. You may have seen in some C++ code the use of the keyword inline - it’s kind of the same thing. The goal of the inline keyword was to flag the optimizer of the compiler to inline substitution of a function rather than invoking a function call. Function calls are slower as they mean creating a new stack, pushing data onto that stack, invoking a jump to that function, returning from that function and peeling results from that function off the stack.

With virtual functions, you can’t inline that code base because you can’t infer what the code actually is, in the general case. That’s it. That’s why it can be slow.

For stuff you call a few hundred times a frame, that might not be too bad a trade-off for a simple architecture. But for complex hierarchies, or deep object trees, you might not want to rely on virtual methods.

As a great read on the tradeoffs between polymorphic code and other options, I offer up this fantastic section on Stack Exchange Stack Exchange discussion on virtual functions.

Finding memory leaks

I was going to write a big ol’ post about how to find memory leaks. Like, a completely separate project and README.md file and everything.

But there’s this video from Adam Welch that pretty much walks you through how to use Visual Studio’s memory profiler.

You should watch it. Go. Now.

OK, so how would we go about profiling our app? How do we find memory leaks in the project associated with this codebase?

Pretty simple

0. Set up your memory profiling tools

In Debug, run your the PointerIntro project. There’s a _getch() call in the code base that forcibly halts the program. Once you’ve run it, you’ll see this:


And then ...


1. Add Breakpoints at the start and end of your program

So, before you go too far, put some breakpoints in your code. Preferably at the start and just before you exit the app. Then re-run the applicaiton in the debugger. When you hit your first breakpoint ...


Continue debugging and hit your next breakpoint ...


2. See where your allocations are


As you can see, we end up with a delta of allocation. And it’s going in the wrong direction (that is, upwards). If you click on any of the higlighted links, you then get to see some more detail:


Double clicking on one of the entries takes us a little deeper.


Double clicking one last time takes us to the allocation in question.


Debugging memory leaks has never been so easy!


Well, again that was a longish bit of writing. It’s not trivial, but it’s good stuff to have under your belt. And it’s important to understand this stuff, even if you’re not digging into the guts of low level optimization every day (I know I don’t).

Hope that helps out!

Some references: