Review 03 - Where we start coding


Up to this point, we’ve been working through some fundamental of setting up and building code. We haven’t actually made a program that does anything. I’ve spent a bit of time trying to figure out what our actual review project would be that is something other than a trivial Hello World example. I wanted it to be something that is both simple, but has some relevance.

Since we all have some interest in graphics, I took around to see what’s out there for simple graphics abstractions. I don’t want to go over OpenGL or DirectX just yet; I’ve covered both of those, in C# in other tutorials. This set of reviews is about C++.

There are a lot of options out there:

... the list is quite large. Don’t believe me? Go to Github and search and see the results for yourself. Now, that list includes engines as well as Graphics libraries but I think it illustrates the point; picking a library isn’t a trivial task.

I finally chose Allegro. I’ll try out other libraries as well, but I went with Allegro because:

  • It’s got a good NUGet integration with Visual C++: > look here <<
  • I’m not looking for 3D or complex drawing facilities.
  • I’ve used it way, way, way back, so there’s a bit of familiarity with it.

I don’t have stong opinions on Allegro just yet. I’ve used other wrappers in the past and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. So be adventurous and try a few other libraries on your own!

NB: I may give tinyrender a try, as it illustrates mixing in source files from an external project later.

Allegro setup

I’ve already added to this project the Allegro NUGet package. I had to modify the vcproj by hand, but that was a trivial thing to do (mostly to get the NUGet package folder correct).

I’m not going to go into detail as to how I set it up - that’s covered in the earlier link to Allegro. That and depending on your OS, you’ll have different requirements. But feel free to use this project as a point of reference if you’re going the Visual C++ route.

One thing I do want to point out is that I am linking the libraries against a single, monolithic static library. So what are the options here, and what do they mean.

Simply put, our options are:

  • static library
  • DLL
  • Multithreaded DLL

What are these? What do they mean. I don’t want to assume you all know the difference, so I’ll take a minute to explain (and for more information, you can research further on your own).

Static Library

In our previous examples, specifically in Review 2, we were linking against a static library. What this means is that the functions/classes that live in a library are copied from the library and embedded directly into the final executable. That printf function that we used? Remember, that’s not part of the C++ language, it’s a library function that lives in the “C Run-Time” (CRT) library. Different compilers. For the Microsft compiler, that’s the “libcmt*.lib” and “msvcrt*.lib”.

From the Microsoft reference site for libraries here we have the following:

Library Characteristics Option Preprocessor directives
libcmt.lib Statically links the native CRT startup into your code. /MT _MT
libcmtd.lib Statically links the Debug version of the native CRT startup. Not redistributable. /MTd _DEBUG, _MT
msvcrt.lib Static library for the native CRT startup for use with DLL UCRT and vcruntime. /MD _MT, _DLL
msvcrtd.lib Static library for the Debug version of the native CRT startup for use with DLL UCRT and vcruntime. Not redistributable. /MDd _DEBUG, _MT, _DLL

I’ve thinned out this table as we don’t want to talk about managed languages yet.

libcmt.lib and libcmtd.lib take the machine code, stored in the respective .lib file and embeds that into your executable. It’s that simple.

msvcrt.lib and msvcrtd.lib inject a ... reference, for want of a better term, into your executable that looks into a DLL (MSVCP*.dll) for the function to call.

So, why DLLs? Simply put, it allows the author of the library to change the function (to fix issues) or to share the function across multiple applications. Think about it this way - every application that uses printf as a static library has to embed that function into their executable, bloating the size of the executable. You have hundreds (if not thousands) of executables on your machine, each embedding the same functions into the execuatble and you’ve got and incredible amount of duplication of a single function across executables. Putting common functions into a DLL avoids that. It also means that if your function has issues, all you have to do is replace the DLL to get a new version of that function.

But that also runs us into other problems. You’ve no doubt heard the term on windows for ‘DLL Hell’. You might not have a great definition for this - so let me lay out an example for you.

Say you have a vendor that provides application A that installs a set of DLLs. Later, the same vendor might distribute another application, B, that also installs a new set of DLLs, but they haven’t updated application A to use the new DLLs. And a shared function in those DLLs has been updated. It is now completely possible that change has broken application A. So you uninstall application A, which removed the DLL shared with application B and now application B fails to work. And the cycle continues if you reinstall application A ...

It’s not as bad as that, because you can resolve a number of those issues by versioning your DLL, but that comes with its own set of problems. Anyway, the long and the short of it is, for these Reviews, where possible I will be statically linking the executables.

The C/C++ Language - Essentials

In the first few reviews, I glossed over a lot of the C++ syntax to focus more on the structure of the build process. I’ll fall back here a bit now and do a very high-level review of the more C like aspects of C++; looking at core language syntax, data types, functions, conditionals and loops.

But first, the code!

// Review03.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro5\allegro.h>
#include <allegro5\allegro_image.h>
#include <allegro5\allegro_primitives.h>
#include <allegro5\allegro_font.h>

const int maxiterations = 50;

void DrawFrame(int width, int height);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* display = al_create_display(800, 600);
    ALLEGRO_FONT* font = al_create_builtin_font();
    ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* eventQueue = nullptr;

    eventQueue = al_create_event_queue();
    al_register_event_source(eventQueue, al_get_display_event_source(display));

    al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0));

                al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255),
                400, 300,
                "Welcome to Review03");

    while (true)
        ALLEGRO_EVENT event;
        ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT timeout;
        al_init_timeout(&timeout, 0.06);

        bool get_event = al_wait_for_event_until(eventQueue, &event, &timeout);

        if (get_event && event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE)

        DrawFrame(800, 600);



    return 0;

void DrawFrame(int width, int height)
    // Drawing individual pixels in this manner is incredibly slow. This is only for illustration
    // on the C syntax.
    for (int index = 0; index < maxiterations; index++)
        al_put_pixel(rand() % width, rand() % height, al_map_rgb(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255));

And, as an output, we get the following:


C++ Comments

Not going to say a lot about comments. There are two types:

  • //: Begins a comment which continues until the end of the line. Can be put anywhere in the line.
  • /* */: Begins a comment block that starts with the /* and ends with the */. Can start or end anywhere.

Preprocessor Macros

When you start with the # symbol, you are beginning a ‘Preprocessor Directive’. Each directive occupies one line (and can be extended across multiple lines using the ` continuation character) and has the following format: - after the `# symbol, you can invoke one of the following commands

  • define
  • undef
  • include
  • if
  • ifdef
  • ifndef
  • else
  • elif
  • endif
  • line
  • error
  • pragma
  • you can then add any arguments, based on the aforementioned instruction.

What we are currently doing with the preprocessor is including a header file in lines 4-8 of the example program. These bring in the function signatures as well as other elements defined in the header files. Feel free to peruse the files to see what jumps out at you.

Later, we’ll discuss more about preprocessor macros. But for now, it’s enough to understand that there is more to the preprocessor than just includes.

### Constants

The next line:

const int maxiterations = 50;

defines a variable of type int (integer value) that is constant - it can be set once and cannot be changed after the fact.

We’ll also dig into the const keyword later as it has multiple uses.

### Forward Declarations

Next, we see this:

void DrawFrame(int width, int height);

This tells the compiler that we have a function called DrawFrame the has no return (thus the void in front of the function) and takes two arguments (an integer width and height). Note that this is exactly what you would put into a header file.

### The Entry Point Into Our Application

In C/C++ we define the entry point to our application as:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

Actually, that’s a bit of a lie. For a ‘console’ application, we define the entry point as above. You can also define the entry point into your application like so:

int main()


void main()

int main() requires you to return an ‘error code’ back to the Operating System. A return value of 0 indicates no error in program execution. Anything else is an error. These ‘error results’ can be processed by batch files (or shell scripts) to control batch processing flow. But that discussion is outside of the scope of this article.

void main() requires no return value. The OS assumes that the program has other means of determining or logging error conditions.

However, back to the original definition:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

The two parameters passed into the main function, argc and argv:

argc - represents the number of ‘arguments’ passed in on the command line. - we always include the application name in that count

  • eg:

    • app.exe has an argc value of 1
    • app.exe /F /S /N has an argc value of 4

argv - This is an array (that’s what [] represents in C/C++) of char pointers. - char * is a ‘null terminated string’ - it’s the C/C++ way of defining strings. - All native strings in C/C++ have a null that defines the end of the string. - ** this does not include other string types, like STL’s string.

What does this mean? In the example of the command line looking like this:

app.exe /F /S /N

You can access each element in the command line like so:

array element value
argv[0] "app.exe"
argv[1] "/F"
argv[2] "/S"
argv[3] "/N"
argv[4] an error

We’ll go into character strings later. For now, understand that the char C/C++ data type maps to a single byte.

Calling Functions

Like printf, calling a function is pretty straightforward:


Each of those lines represents a call to an Allegro function. Each of those functions are defined in a header file. They should map to:

Function Name Header File
al_init allegro.h
al_init_font_addon allegro_font.h
al_init_primitives_addon allegro_primitives.h

Declaring Variables

Nothing fancy about the following - we’re just declaring variables:

ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* display = al_create_display(800, 600);
ALLEGRO_FONT* font = al_create_builtin_font();
ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* eventQueue = nullptr;

OK, one thing that may be a bit odd, if you’re coming from an older version of C++, we have a nullptr keyword. This was added into the language spec back in C++ 11. This is a ‘pointer literal’. When we dig into pointers later, we’ll go over it more, but understand that nullptr is much more useful to us that null was. So if your compiler supports it, use it.

What kinds of variables do we have availble to us in C/C++? There actually aren’t that many:

Type Name Description
char A single byte worth of information. This usually maps to the ASCII code table. But not necessarily.
int An integer. This can have modifers added to it like unsigned, short and long.
float An IEEE floating point number. A great breakdown of it is this.
double See the above for a breakdown of a double.
bool True or False, 1 or 0, on or off - it’s a boolean!
void Represents nothing. Used to define no return value in a function, but also has other (pointer) meanings.

We can enhance the base types even further using additional keywords:

Classification Type names Width (bits) Notes
Character types char 8  
  char16_t 16 At least as big as a char.
  char32_t 32 At least as big as a char16_t
  wchar_t 8/16/32 Wide character - supports the largest character set based on compiler.
Signed Integer short int 16 Optimized for space to have at least 16 bits.
  int 16/32 First number is the C++ standard definition. Additional number is the max based on specialized compiler.
  long int 32/64 First number is the C++ standard definition. Additional number is the max based on specialized compiler.
  long long int 64  
Unsigned Integer unsigned short int 16 Optimized for space to have at least 16 bits.
  unsigned int 16/32 First number is the C++ standard definition. Additional number is the max based on specialized compiler.
  unsigned long int 32/64 First number is the C++ standard definition. Additional number is the max based on specialized compiler.
  unsigned long long int 64  
Floating point float 32 float types
  double 64 double types
  long double 80 long double types
Boolean bool 8 No, it is not 1 bit. Each bool takes up 8 bits. This is why bitmasks/bitflags are useful.
Miscelleaneous void 0 No data storage for a void.
nullptr is the same size as a pointer. This can vary.

We are not limited to just these data types. We can create our own ‘types’ via structures and classes. However, they must be composed, at a bare minimum, of these types.

I’ll leave it to the reader to understand the min/max values that can be stored in each numerical data type.

Loops and Conditionals

Just like every language out there, C/C++ has loops and conditionals.

Loops look like this:

// while loop
// while (<iteration condition>)
// {
//     // do stuff
// }

int index = 0;
while (index < 10)
    index = index + 1; // can also be written 'index++;' or '++index;'

// for loop
// for ( <init>; <iteration condition>; <expression>)
// {
//     // do stuff
// }

for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++)
    printf("counter: %d\n", counter);

// do while loop
// do
// {
//     // do stuff
// } while (<iteration condition>)

index = 0; // index was already declared above
} while (index < 10)

// More advanced looping structures that we'll cover later
// but show here for a level of completeness, as this was
// introduced in C++ 11 and has a series of additional features.
// This, however, is the simplest case.
int localVector[] = {5, 10, 20, 100, 1024, 5150};
for (int value : localVector)
    printf("%d ", value);

C++ also has conditional statements:

// If condition
// if (<expression evaluates to true>)
// {
//      // do stuff
// }

int value = 0;
if (value == 1)
    // Do stuff

// If-Else condition
// if (<expression evaluates to true>)
// {
//      // do stuff
// }
// else
// {
//      // do something else
// }
if (value == 1)
    printf("We don't see this\n");
    printf("We see this\n");

// If-ElseIf condition
// if (<expression evaluates to true>)
// {
//      // do stuff
// }
// else if (<expression evaluates to true>)
// {
//      // do something else
// }
// else // optional
// {
//      // otherwise we do this
// }

value = 3;
if (value == 0)
    printf("We don't see this\n");
else if (value == 1)
    printf("We don't see this either\n");
    printf("We see this\n");

// Switch statement
// switch (<expression>)
// {
//      case <constant1>:
//      { // Brace is optional, but recommended for scoping
//          // Do stuff
//      }
//      break;
//      case <constant2>:
//      { // Brace is optional, but recommended for scoping
//          // Do stuff
//      }
//      break;
//      case <constantN>:
//      { // Brace is optional, but recommended for scoping
//          // Do stuff
//      }
//      break;
//      default:
//      { // Brace is optional, but recommended for scoping
//          // Do stuff
//      }
//      break;
// }

switch (value)
    case 0:
        printf("Value is a zero\n");

    case 1:
        printf("Value is a one\n");

        printf("I don't know!\n");

I expect there’s nothing new there for everyone, but I wanted to add it just for completeness sake.

In the code, the only thing I’ll point out is:

while (true)
    ALLEGRO_EVENT event;
    ALLEGRO_TIMEOUT timeout;
    al_init_timeout(&timeout, 0.06);

    bool get_event = al_wait_for_event_until(eventQueue, &event, &timeout);

    if (get_event && (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE))

In the above, the conditional if (get_event && (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE)) has a && in it. That is the boolean AND operator. The Boolean OR operator is defined as ||.

Please note that there is a difference between && and & as well as || and |. The first, as pointed out earlier defines a boolean AND/OR operation. The latter defines a bitwise AND/OR operation. If you don’t know what a bitwise operation is, we need to talk.

To Summarize

That’s one fully functional C/C++ bit of code. We’ve looked at the language from a fairly simple starting point with this bit of code. In the next Review, we’ll look at classes to round out the simple language review. We’ll also talk about different build types and what they’re used for.

With that, I’m out.